Reproduce The Deep Blue – UK Parmigiani Ovale Tourbillon Replica Watches With PF500 Movement

Some shapes are fixed, such as round and square. But there is an oval shape, that the contour can change with purpose. Whether in modern or ancient buildings, oval is both common and unusual, exquisite and low profile.

As the “mysterious master” of the advanced watch-making industry, Parmigiani is good at creating various concept and types watches. The delicate replica Parmigiani Ovale series is one of them,with the design structure that based on the simple geometric shapes, and the line proportion and shape characteristics are not too tough or soft, just between the two.

rose gold case fake Parmigiani Ovale Tourbillon watches

The whole design of the rose gold case fake Parmigiani Ovale Tourbillon watches is dynamic, that adopting the “three-step” rose gold case, matching the stepped bezel. The processing of the lines is variety, making watches with more individuation.

The hale style also reflected on the dial, and the classic “Geneva corrugated” matching the unique dark blue of Parmigiani. Now, the dark blue has become the new elementsthat would apply in the new works, this unconventional color also has become the unique formula for Parmigiani.

blue dial replica Parmigiani Ovale Tourbillon watches

The blue dial copy Parmigiani watches are one of the replica Parmigiani Ovale Pantographe series, and the design inspiration comes from the oval antique pocket watch. It also carries the PF500 movement which is a 30 seconds the tourbillon movement with the power reserve display.

UK PF702 Movement Replica Parmigiani Tonda 1950 Galaxy Showing The Beauty Of Starry Sky

The headquarters of Parmigiani located in Val – DE – Travers. The night sky is clear here, and there is no light interference, only the stars shine. This is the source of the inspiration of the replica Parmigiani Tonda 1950 Galaxy watch.

diamond bezel copy Parmigiani Tonda 1950 Galaxy

The dial constructors of the diamond bezel fake Parmigiani were as the wizard of the watchmaking, this time, they wield the magic of watchmaking again and creating the new fake Parmigiani Tonda 1950 Galaxy watch, that injected the dial deep blue color that just like the quiet night sky. Quiet midnight blue is the link between dreams and imagination, and also is the hardest colour to copy in the nature.

rose gold case fake Parmigiani Tonda 1950 Galaxy

The rose gold case copy Parmigiani Tonda 1950 Galaxy carries the PF702 movement, which decorated with the ripple of slab in Geneva. The sophisticated machinery and delicate details of the automatic movement, through the sapphire back, that can be clearly seen, and the case and inlaid that all made of rose gold.